Do you need surgery? Not too long ago, open surgery was your only option. Large incisions and increased risk of infection and trauma were the norm, but today’s medical technology gives you more options.

Minimally invasive robotic surgery is growing in popularity among top surgeons in the field. While all surgical procedures come with risks, robotic surgery could lower your risk of complications and help you heal faster.

But if your doctor has suggested robotic surgery, there’s one question you want to make sure gets answered: is robotic surgery safe?

Rachel Alt, MD, Brian Prebil, DO, and our team at Center for Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery are leaders in robotic surgical technology. We specialize in minimally invasive procedures, from hernia repair to colon surgery.

Robotic surgery offers a handful of benefits over traditional surgeries, and it could be a good option for you.

How robotic surgery works

We use the da Vinci® robotic surgery system for a wide range of procedures. The system includes an operating table, several robotic arms, and the surgeon’s console, along with a camera system and high-definition screens in the operating room.

It’s called robotic surgery, but robots aren’t performing your procedure alone. Our team is in the room and your surgeon is in control throughout the entire procedure. We use hand controllers on the console to guide the robotic arms.

The robotic arms hold specialized EndoWrist® surgical tools, and our team has a full view of these tools during the procedure. We use the live, high-definition images and the precise capabilities of the robotic arms to perform even the most complex procedures with extreme accuracy.

Robotic surgery offers better patient outcomes

Before undergoing surgery, it’s important to understand the risks. All surgical procedures may put you at risk for infection and other complications, but robotic surgery offers better outcomes for many patients.

The benefits of robotic surgery

Robotic procedures give us enhanced range of motion and control during surgery. This precision offers a number of benefits over traditional open surgery, such as:

  • Smaller incisions
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less pain
  • Faster recovery

Since robotic surgery incisions are smaller, trauma to surrounding tissues is kept to a minimum. You might experience less swelling, bruising, and pain as you heal, and robotic surgery could even reduce your recovery period.

No one relishes the thought of surgery. But if you have a hernia, intestinal problem, or other type of abdominal pain, it could be the best way to stop the pain and protect your health.

Ask us about the benefits of robotic surgery to find out if it’s a good option for you. Contact our office in Peoria, Arizona, by phone or online for more information.

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