Adhesions are lumps of scar tissue that form inside the body. Often caused by previous surgeries, they can also develop from infection, injury, or inflammation. Adhesions often go undiagnosed because they aren’t visible with imaging such as X-rays. It’s only when symptoms such as chronic pain, nausea, or digestive problems are experienced that the condition is diagnosed. They can also cause female reproductive problems by obstructing the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
Abdominal adhesiolysis is a type of surgery that removes scar tissue from the abdomen. For this outpatient procedure, patients are given general anesthesia. The surgeon will make a small incision in the abdomen and use a scope to locate, project images onto a screen, and remove the adhesions.
During the first few days of recovery, there may be discomfort around the abdomen. You should be able to return to regular activities in two to three weeks. It may also take several weeks for bowel movements to become regular again. Patients will be given instructions regarding foods to avoid, cleansing the wound, and when to restart physical activities.