Medical technology is constantly evolving with the goal of improving patient outcomes and bettering health. And when it comes to surgical procedures, a significant innovation in recent years is robotic surgery.
This groundbreaking technology allows surgeons to perform complex procedures with greater precision and less trauma — and it’s rapidly growing in popularity. In fact, robotic procedures account for nearly 19% of all surgeries in the United States, and that number is expected to continue growing.
At the Center for Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, our team specializes in robotic surgery in Peoria, Arizona. We’re proud to bring the latest medical technology to our patients, and here’s why robotic techniques have gained so much recognition.
Unparalleled precision
One of the biggest advantages of robotic surgery is the level of precision it offers. Robotic surgery systems, like da Vinci®, use advanced imaging technology to display detailed, real-time views of the surgical site.
That allows our surgeons to make more accurate incisions and perform more precise movements than they would be able to do with their hands alone. In fact, robotic surgery can significantly reduce the risk of human error, which means less tissue damage and faster recovery times.
Minimally invasive
Another significant benefit of robotic surgery is that it’s significantly less invasive than traditional surgical techniques. We use small incisions about the size of a keyhole, and many procedures need just one incision.
Smaller incisions mean our patients experience less blood loss and a lower risk of infection during the procedure, and less pain and scarring afterward. Reduced trauma means our patients can often return to their normal activities much more quickly than with traditional surgery.
Reduced risk of infection
All surgeries come with a risk of infection and other complications, but robotic surgery offers lower risks than traditional methods. Because the robotic system is completely sterile, there is little risk of contamination from surgical instruments or human hands.
Smaller incisions also lower the risk of infection. Small incisions mean less tissue damage and a smaller wound, which helps prevent infections and accelerate healing.
Faster recovery time
A significant benefit of robotic surgery is the faster recovery time. Robotic procedures are less invasive and less traumatic, so healing happens faster. Our robotic surgery patients enjoy shorter hospital stays, which helps reduce health care costs and improve outcomes.
People can recover in the comfort of their own homes. That makes robotic surgery an especially popular option for people who have busy and active lives.
Enhanced capabilities for our surgeons
Robotic surgery also offers benefits for surgeons. The robotic arms perform the actual surgical procedure, while our surgeons direct the movements from a seated position in the operating room.
Robotic surgery helps reduce fatigue and discomfort during long procedures, and advanced imaging technology gives our team a better view of the surgical site than they would have with traditional surgery.
Plus, robotic surgery makes it possible to perform complex procedures that were once considered too risky to attempt with traditional surgical techniques. That means patients who may not have had surgical options in the past can now benefit from these innovative techniques.
Robotic surgery has become increasingly popular over the last several years, and it’s easy to see why. If you need surgery, it’s worth considering the benefits of a robotic procedure. To learn more about your options, schedule an appointment with our team at the Center for Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery. Call us at 623-486-7700 or send us a message online today.
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